Sunday, July 30, 2006

Family News in July 06

Hi to all,

July has been busy, hot and sticky in St. Louis. I had a little vacation from the heat when I visited my Mom and Dad in Idaho. They complained of the 100 degree weather but with no humidity to speak of. It was lovely. We had such a good visit. We went to the orchards, drove around the big city of Caldwell, and met with Jerry, my brother, and his wife Linda . . . just a good time. My parents are doing very well ... I hope to be so active at when I'm their age. It was amazing to watch Dad pop up and down on the ladder in the apricot orchard! Mom patiently showed me how to can apricots and apricot jam. Actually, I was more in the way than actually helping most of the time. Mom and Dad have canning down to a science. You can see the "fruits"of their labor in the pics. The weather is so nice in the mornings my Mom walks a mile or two, and yes, she even carried her cell phone with her last Tuesday. (Inside ribbing . . . good job Mom)

It was neat to sleep in the room I slept in as a child (right down to the same curtains and carpet). I am fortunate to be able to return to my roots, two parents, a small town. My Dad still calls my Mom "Dolly" when he pinches her lovingly on the bum. Not many people today can brag about a vacation like this. Thanks Mom and Dad for the great time!

These are pictures of my Mom and Dad's backyard and their new pride and joy, the cream and white fence. This fence replaced the cedar one my Dad built when I was a kid. I still remember "getting" to stir the cement in the wheelborrow with a stick. The new fence is very pretty and private. As you can see in the pictures they have a lovely backyard with a porch swing and a fountain. I had to lie down in the backyard grass. Yes, Missourites, actually lie down in the grass in July. No chiggers . . . just cool, green grass. It was awesome!

While I was in Idaho, St. Louis got quite a blow. Our house still had electricity and we didn't receive any damage (if you don't count the bent umbrella on the deck). Our Apartments lost some big limbs to the trees in front of the condo building but, the falling limbs luckily missed all the parked cars. One of our air conditioning units on the roof died, which will hurt the wallet a little, but we are thankful it was not worse. Missouri has beautiful storms. We had what the boys used to call a "big thunder boomer" yesterday. The clouds were ominous.

The rest of our family is doing well. Gabe received his registration information for his Senior year in high school. Can you believe the babe is a senior? We will get senior pictures when he loses the hardware in his mouth sometime in October.

We loved having Britton home for the fourth of July. He returned to Germany later this month. We think he is fine... haven't heard from him in a while . . . (ahem, ahem)!

Rusty is working for his company in Baltimore this week. He is working in the the hospital there - nights. Hope he can catch some of the sights while he is there. Earlier, we helped him move to a new apartment. He promised that the next move will not involve climbing the stairs to the second floor in both old and the new apartment. Rob and I are in much better shape though. Next weekend he has a long lay-over in St. Louis, so we will meet him at the airport for lunch.

Jerry is working hard in this heat popping Kettlekorn and serving up frozen lemonaid. We are lucky enough to get the leftovers.

Rob has been busy showing apartments right and left. We had four open and now two are rented, just two more to go. I am trying to finish 15 college credits before I can think about retiring. Actually, I can't think about retiring for six more years but if this @#%*! class I'm taking now (Getting Parents on you Side) is any indication it will take me all six years to finish 15 credits! Huge Yawn.

On a happier note Rob and I celebrated our 26th wedding anniversary. We spent the morning on our deck looking at our wedding photos. I want to tell my brother Dan how much we appreciate the pictures he took. Rob and I agree we would do it all over again with the rough and the smooth roads. Only this time we wouldn't leave his brother Britt at the airport (sorry again Britt). We want to thank all the family and friends that made that day 26 years ago so special.

Time flies when you have such a family, no matter how far apart. Love to you all, wherever you are!


At 2:44 PM, Blogger Robert said...

Thanks for the pictures! It's nice seeing them again. Hopefully I can make it up there sometime. ;-)


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